Estimating orientations with flydra

strict digraph {
  animals -> onlinePosOri2D;
  animals -> ufmfs;
  onlinePosOri2D -> ufmfs;
  ufmfs -> IBO [ arrowhead="none"];
  imageOri2D -> OEF [ arrowhead="none"];
  onlinePosOri2D -> retrackedPos2D;
  ufmfs -> retrackedPos2D;
  onlinePosOri2D -> ekfPos3D;
  calib -> onlineOri3D;
  calib -> OEF [ arrowhead="none"];
  calib -> ekfPos3D;
  calib -> IBO [ arrowhead="none"];
  ekfPos3D -> OEF [ arrowhead="none"];
  OEF -> Ori3DHZ;
  Ori3DHZ -> core_analysis [ arrowhead="none"];
  core_analysis -> Ori3D;
  ekfPos3D -> IBO [ arrowhead="none"];
  IBO -> imageOri2D;
  onlinePosOri2D -> onlineOri3D;

  animals [label="experiment"];
  //    onlinePos2D [label="online 2D position estimation"];
  ufmfs [label="saved images (.ufmf)",style=filled];
  imageOri2D [label="image based 2D orientation"];
  IBO [ label = "image_based_orientation", style=filled,color=white ];
  core_analysis [ label = "core_analysis.CachingAnalyzer", style=filled,color=white ];
  OEF [ label = "orientation_ekf_fitter", style=filled,color=white ];
  Ori3DHZ [label="3D orientation, Pluecker coords"];
  Ori3D [label="smoothed 3D orientation, Cartesian coords"];
  calib [label="calibration"];
  ekfPos3D [label="EKF based 3D position"];
  onlineOri3D [label="online 3D orientation"];
  onlinePosOri2D [label="online 2D position and orientation",style=filled];


See also Data analysis (specifically the “Extracting longitudinal body orientation” section).